Thursday, October 31, 2013

Random Act of Kindness #68

The kiddos and I saw this Halloween as a perfect opportunity to reach out to our neighbors in hopes of getting to know them since we're new to the area. We made several boxes of goodies and set off for our special deliveries yesterday evening. It was fun and I'd say we accomplished our goal!

We made sugar cookies for the parents and collected Halloween crafts, candies and glow sticks from Michael's goodie section for the kids. You certainly don't have to be an artist to make the tag that's attached...a few curvy lines and several dots later, you're set with a precious little ghost just waiting to deliver your message.

If you're swamped with last minute costume round ups today, file this idea away for next year. (That's what Pinterest is good for!) Or, adapt it, any day is good day to tell someone you appreciate them!

Okay, friends, go out and be kind!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Inexpensive Oversized DIY Pop Art

We have some GIANT pug mugs hanging on our walls! Bryn got her art on this past weekend and created a few masterpieces to hang in our stairwell. We managed to create one-of-a-kind art for less than $30. Not bad, right?
This was a beyond easy project. I simply snapped a few shots of the most adorable pug models I know, then did a few minor edits in PicMonkey. Once I was pleased with the shots, I took my thumb drive to the nearest Staples and had engineering prints made. We're talking to the tune of 3 feet wide x 4 feet long. You can upload your images to make things faster but I was having technical difficulties. Go figure!
Just in case you're  unfamiliar with engineering prints, they're paper not glossy photos. That's what makes them so affordable...a mere $7 a piece.

Next, I handed my 11y.o. paints and brushes and gave her creative reign to "make art."

With a handful of highlights our prints quickly took on the feel of the ever so popular Pop Art.

Here you get a better perspective of the size. It was a happy accident that they fit this space so nicely. Honestly, this was such a spontaneous project, done on a whim, that I didn't take time to measure the space. 

Another way we made our art project so frames! Frames of this magnitude would put us in the poor house. We dipped clear thumb tacks in the acrylic paints to add a bit 'o color then used large binder clips to hang them.

This look would also be great in a playroom or office.

Sometimes I feel a bit preachy by constantly telling you guys that your home decor "has to be personal," but I really don't think I can say it enough. It truly is what sets your home apart from others and makes it a place where your family feels comfortable. 

Are giant pictures of funky dogs something others will want in their house? Probably not, but does our daughter wake up every morning and know that we value her talents enough to hang her work on our walls?...Absolutely! That's all that matters in my book.

Friday, October 25, 2013

DIY Dog Art

I shouldn't be sharing this yet, because there's a H.U.G.E. chance this is going to turn into a big, fat flop of a DIY art project. But, it's just so stinkin' cute already that I had to give you a little glimpse.

I'm commissioning one of my favorite artists, aka Bryn, to help me turn this picture into a masterpiece. Wish us luck!

A tiny glimpse into how my brain works...

It started when I found this fabric from Spoonflower and considered approaching the artist to isolate and enlarge the image. I was initially thinking shower curtain for the kids' bathroom, but suddenly it needed to be on a wall. I take a break from the computer, give Maverick a little pat, then BOOM, I realize I have the perfect model literally sitting at my feet. I bust out the camera, run to the print shop and saved a lot of money in the process. Score!

I find it a bit strange how much this fabric and my Maverick actually look like each other! Mav must have a twin who's momma likes to make fabric out of his cute pug mug. Need to meet her someday. ;)

And, while we're all taking the time to appreciate all things black, white, graphic and pug related, let's also appreciate this really cool print from Etsy shop owner Jenn Bell.

Jen's not partial to pugs, there's a little love going on for dachshunds and labs too...

Think Christmas, friends, think Christmas. $20 for an 8x10 print could make someone a happy camper.

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Surfer Boy Stencil...where to get it!

I'm pretty sure the room I get the most emails about is the Surfer Boy room I helped a client create awhile back. People are always curious how we made the stencil.

Sadly, I'm typically not much help because all I can tell them is my dad's crazy talented and he's the mastermind behind it. Below is a picture of him in action. 

Well, if you're one of those who love the look but aren't quite sure how to achieve it on your own, today is your lucky day! I was looking through the sale section on PB teen and look what I found...
A giant surfer wall stencil. They've done the work for you! It's on sale right now and you can click here to check it out.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Bathroom Tile Progress and a giggle

Hey friends! My lack of posting isn't necessarily indicative of a lack of progress around here. It's more indicative of the fact that after tiling the kids' bathroom I'm t.i.r.e.d. and I'm trying to muster up enough energy to finish it. Anyone feelin' me?

Lots left to do in this cozy little room, but I can officially say I've learned how to tile. Maybe one of these days I'll let someone walk into the bathroom without the disclaimer of "It was my first time...look at it with your head tilted slightly to the left!"

I'm still waiting on the lights to be shipped. I can't wait to see them. They're going to add such a punch of personality.

As I mentioned above, this project has drained me a little. That, coupled with our recent move, gave me a major case of the blahs last week. It's like I woke up and realized this move thing is really real and we aren't going back. I've been holding it together for the sake of the kids and I'm pretty sure there was a tad bit of stuffing my real feelings going on. Luckily, one of my Austin friends came up with her family towards the end of the week and it was just what the doctor ordered...lots and lots of laughter.

This has made me stop and realize just how important laughing is. I don't do it enough, my family will be the first to tell you that. They're good at laughing. Oh how I wish I had been created with a better sense of humor! So, so glad both kids got this trait from John.

One thing that'll send a few laughing tears down my cheeks are autocorrect conversations. Thought I'd share a few with you today so you can experience the joy of laughter...

There are tons more that'll have ya rollin' but I wanted to keep it G rated!

Hope you're having a happy day today, friends, and don't forget to let yourself have a little giggle. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Beautiful Jewel Tones

Sometimes when I look back at my recent pins I notice a common thread. These rich tones are so pretty and timely for fall.

Considering this color for my dining room.

Doesn't this rug make you want to lay on it? I'm searching for something super comfy for our living room. It comes in neutrals too! This colorful one would be super cool in a playroom.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Lacquered Walls...Light vs. Dark

I need your opinion today! My house has been turned upside down this week as all the rooms that previously donned dated, horribly ugly wallpaper are now being prepped and textured to get painted. I originally thought lacquered walls were out of the question due to a crazy high quote, but after talking to my contractor yesterday it seems they may be back in the picture. Woo hoo! Fingers crossed, waiting on him to throw me a number today.

So, the question is light paint vs. dark paint? 

I love, love the look of the deep, saturated blue tones but here's my dining room is tiny. Every time I show someone the color I'm considering, I get a nose crinkle. Do I heed the crinkle or push forward and show them how pretty it'll be in the end?

To refresh your memory, here's our dining room a few days after we moved in. In its current state, the wallpaper is gonzo, along with the drapes and the chairs have been sold. Pretty much a blank slate now.

One wall is solid mirror so there will only be 3 walls painted. I remember thinking it felt like a breath of fresh air when I took the dark paper out so that's what has me second guessing going with a dark paint color. Did I feel that way because it was a color/pattern I didn't like or is the room too small to handle the darkness? 

Okay, now it's your turn...what do you think? Light or dark?

Friday, October 4, 2013

Bathroom Tiling progress

I've been procrastinating tiling the kids' bathroom wall, because I've been just a tad bit intimidated. But, I finally put my big girl panties on and got after it yesterday. There's 8 feet of wall on the right left to tackle. Big job!
What I've learned so far...don't buy the cheap tile cutter! Jagged edges will be the death of me. Luckily my father-in-law is coming to visit and I told him he could only stay with us if he brought his wet saw. ;) He loves me so much!

Hope there's something fun on your agenda this weekend, friends. Looks like Fall is finally deciding to show it's face via a strong cold front tomorrow. I can't wait! Perfect timing for Octoberfest in the Town Square. We going to the weenie dog races. So fun!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Master bedroom Before and After

Ready for a little crazy boldness? I debated waiting to "reveal" our bedroom because there's still work to be done. There are several layers left to add before we can slap a "finished" label on it. But for now, we'll celebrate that the painting is finished and boy was it a big, 'ol job!

So, let's take a look at the before shot of our belongings with the previous owners' paint/fan selection.


Isn't it wild what a little paint can do?! 

Other changes? The posters on our bed are adjustable so I took out the center pieces. The bed seemed a bit overpowering with the tall posters in. Did you notice the semi-missing ceiling fan? We thought we could replace the blades and save a little money by not replacing the entire fan. Turns out, that's not the case with this specific fan. So add that to the list of things still needed to complete this room.

As much as this space is SCREAMING for an amazing chandelier instead of a ceiling fan, it's just not practical friends...remember, we live in hot, hot Texas.

Anyone remember this architectural piece from Bryn's room in the Austin house? I was super excited when I realized it was the perfect piece for our bedroom. 

I'd like to add a plant or two to bring in a little, natural life and greenery.

The angles of the ceiling made for a fun canvas when it came to painting the black portion.

And, yes, it goes allllll the way across the ceiling. Insert neck pain here!

Here's the very unfinished other side of the room. Pretty sure that little bench will get some new clothes at some point. I'm not one for clutter, minimalism is my friend, so the dresser will likely stay free of "stuff." One of my goals with this paint design was to make the television disappear. Pretty sure I nailed that goal!

It almost looks like a piece of art when the tv is on. 

Let's round out the room with a picture from yesterday's post so you can get the full effect from all angles.

I'm planning to let the remainder of accessories slowly evolve in this space. I'll pick up a piece here and there as I see something that floats my boat. For now, I love that it feels like we're living in our room instead of the previous owners'. And, I also love that it's one-of-a-kind!