Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How to paint Ikat Chevron

Okay, friends, now that you've followed the step by step instructions for making your chevron pattern, here's the fun part, paint! This is where you get to see your work come to life.

In our project I painted the entire beadboard grey first, then I went back and added the black and gold.

Here is the key to achieving an ikat look...don't over think it! Remember, it's supposed to look blurry and not perfect. That, my friends, is why anyone can achieve this look. You just have to give yourself permission to complete a project without perfection. I know this may be hard for some of you uber talented folks out there!

Moving on...I used a cheap-o foam brush to paint inside each chevron.

Here's the evidence that I'm not a perfectionist, my dirty brush. You can buy these at any craft store like Hobby Lobby or Micheals. I love having these on hand at all times. I can't tell you how many times I've found a purpose for them.

 Paint the inside of the chevron solid. 
While it's still wet, hold the brush straight up and down then bring it just outside the edge of the painted area. Make a tiny little stroke back towards the solid painted area. Then repeat this action a gazillion more times as you make your way down the entire edge. I found by holding the brush handle as close to the foam as possible, it gave me more control over the movements. Quick movements and not thinking too much about it, once again, is key!

Below shows a progression of the strokes. You can start thick or spread them out and go back to fill in. 

Here's another look at this painting process when applied on top of beadboard. I love how the stripes of the board add a whole other dimension to the painting without even trying!

Okay, I've never claimed to be a teacher of any sort, so is it clear as mud? You're just going to have to take my word for it, that it's really easy and actually lots of fun. Something you don't have to over think and it turns out really cool!

Ready to get the ball rolling on your own home? Contact me!

Linking to The Shabby Nest.


  1. Hmm...you made it look easy! I SO want to try it, maybe on some fabric, a pillow would be more my size!

  2. Thank you for sure wonderful instructions and detailed pictures! I want to try a chevron table runner. This is just what I needed!



  3. What a creative idea. Now if I ever end up with an apartment/house with one of those cubbies I know what to do:)

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thank you so much for the tips!!! Looks so simple! I'd love to find an ikat stencil, or learn to make the pattern look painting by hand... adding water, maybe? Trying a DIY wall art with an ikat look right now and found your blog, thanks for the inspiration! Would love to follow you on Twitter!
