Thursday, December 1, 2011

Random Act of Kindness #13

You're in for a treat today, friends. This RAK challenge is a fun one!

RAK Challenge #13- Brighten a kid's day by helping them buy a toy.

My favorite helpers were all over this one. Each kid had a dollar to "hide" in the Dollar Store toy section.

It looked a little like this...
 Gearing up for all the fun.

Heading in to complete our mission...

Let's pick out the perfect spot.

No, kids, we're not here to shop. You actually have to leave the dollar in the store.

We were armed with tape so we attached our dollars to the back of the packages and left a little peeking out to be spied easily.

Now, quick...leave the store before anyone catches us!

It's so funny how you feel like you're doing something wrong just because you're trying to be sneaky. I mean, really, if we were caught what would they say?... "I'm sorry, ma'am, you can't leave that dollar here. Please take it with you and exit the store immediately!"

I love involving my kids in RAK challenges. It's a great way to teach them about giving without expectations. We'll never know who ended up finding our dollars, but it sure is fun to know that you are responsible for making someone smile.

So there ya have it, friends. Are you up for the challenge? I can't wait to hear if you were inspired and completed the challenge!

If you're new to RAK challenges, you can play catch-up here and here. Now go be kind!


  1. I think it's so important to teach these types of lessons to kids. I don't know that I would have thought to do this one, so I LOVE the idea!

  2. You inspire me every week! We'll definitely do this, we're at the Dollar Tree often. I think I'll leave one in the candy aisle for a Mom who needs a sugar fix!

  3. This is so inspirational....I love the example and the values you are teaching your children! Funny, how it felt a little sneaky....Maybe that is how Santa feels..HAHA!

  4. I can't wait to do this both myself and with Sheila - great idea and so special and important to give back.

  5. I absolutely love it! I can only imagine how it must feel for a child to find the dollar! So much fun! As always your posts make me smile! :)

    -Bonnie @ Revolutionaries

  6. I love your RAK posts! So much so that I am paying it forward and awarding you with
    The Liebster Blog Award. The award is to showcase up and coming blogs with less that 200 followers. Please email me and I will send you the award logo and the rules to post to your blog. benpip at yahoo dot com

  7. this is a fabulous idea! i LOVE it! off to check out your blog- first time here. lisa lead me here! :)

  8. Wow, what a fabulous idea! Great lesson for your kids! And fun too!!
