Thursday, December 22, 2011

Random Act of Kindness #16

The tables have turned a bit when it comes to today's RAK. You see, I was the target of a random act of kindness recently. How fun!

My friend, Piper from Mercy Saved Me, awarded me a Liebster Award. Happy dance going on (visual images up to you)!

What in the world is a Liebster Award, you may ask? Well, Liebster means "favorite" or "dearest" in German. This award goes out to the newbie bloggers with less than 200 followers (or "wonder"ful friends in my case).

Want to know the coolest part? I get to pass on this award to 5 other friends!!

Before I reveal my picks, let's make today's RAK challenge official.

RAK Challenge #16: Find a "new to you" blog and become a follower. Leave a kind word that will make their day.

Okay, now that the suspense has been building, drumroll please...

I'd like to recognize the following bloggers for being amazing and wonderful, each in their own way.

Pam, from Simple Details. You're in for a treat if you haven't found Pam's blog yet. Her house is classy and stunning, just like her. She's one talented lady with tons of great ideas to share. Pam's been a pure source of encouragement in my blogging journey.

Carly, from A Simple Affair. Carly shares great DIY projects and let me tell ya, this girl has style. I'd love to take her shopping with me some day!

Rhonda, from Shadow Jewels. Rhonda has an etsy shop full of vintage prettiness. Next time you're looking for a unique gift, stop by her shop. Great prices too, I might add!

Melissa, from Rooms. Melissa never disappoints when it comes to providing inspirational ideas and pictures. Stop by and check out her non-traditional stockings. Too cute!

Holly, from West Pear Avenue. Holly just completed a design class and has lots of great knowledge up her sleeve. If there was a blog cheerleader award, it would definitely go to Holly. She always has a kind word to share. Love that about her!

Thank you to each of the wonderful ladies above. If you're up for the challenge, accept your Liebster Award and find 5 more friends to pass on the kindness. The fine print: As you pass on the award, be sure to link back to the one who awarded it to you. Also, copy and paste the award to your own blog to show off your wonderfulness.

Once again, a huge thank you to Piper for starting all this fun in my little corner of blogland!

Tis' the season for kindness. If you're looking for some fun ideas to spread a little Christmas Cheer, just click here and here. Or just jump on over to that little search engine on the right side of the page and type in RAK challenges. 


  1. Aww you are too kind!! Lol!! Love your RAK posts and your blog!! I can't wait to visit the blogs you were so kind to! May you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!!

  2. I am so very honored!! I did my happy dance this morning :) I will be sure to pass this along next week. Keeping the Christmas spirit going!

    Thanks again! It means so much.



  3. Hey Dana! So nice to meet you & your blog! Thanks for including me in your liebster awards:) I will be sure to pass it on - mostly likely after Christmas:) Also, I am going to follow your blog and add you to my blog roll.

  4. Congrats on your award, have a wonderful Holiday!

  5. Thank you sweet friend! Congrats! I'm excited to check out the blogs I didn't know about!

  6. Thank you so much Dana! And thanks to reaching out a few months ago - so glad I found your blog this year and looking forward to lots of fun stuff in 2012. Merry Christmas!
