Friday, January 27, 2012

Golf Ball Flowers: How-to Guide

Whew...this has been a c-r-a-z-y week! Between managing cookie sales for my daughter's entire Girl Scout troop, planning/co-hosting my best friend's baby nursery, hitting a must-go-to furniture sale and working on a kitchen remodel project...I'm pooped! Oh, and did I mention that my car decided to completely DIE in the middle of the week, in the middle of rush hour traffic?!! I was totally thinking nice thoughts about the police officer when he so kindly informed me I was "creating an unsafe traffic situation!" REALLY??!!

Moving on...
Here's a little DIY project I worked on for the shower. I'm starting to see a trend around here...I like to post projects for you guys on Fridays so you can be inspired and "play" over the weekend.

Before you think, "What in the world...I thought it was a baby shower?," I need to explain that we took the golf theme of Katie's nursery and ran with it. Next week I plan to post pictures from the shower. It was out of control (in a good way!).

How about golf ball flowers?...

This is actually the second time I've made this spiffy little arrangement. It all started when John and I were dating. It was Valentine's Day and I was trying to think of something a little different to do for  him. I figured sending him flowers would be a little lame so I decided to combine the "traditional" gift with one of his "loves," i.e. golf. Thus, the birth of this creation!

Let's break it on down now so that you can do it.

*plastic cups
*skinny dowel rods
*green floral tape
*red and green tissue paper
*vase filler (I used nuts and moss, but marbles look great too)
*golf balls

Use the lighter to melt the bottom of the cup. This only takes a few seconds. When you notice the plastic beginning to change form, push the dowel into the bottom of the cup and slightly twist the dowel. You'll see the plastic wrap around the rod. As it cools, the dowel is now enclosed by the plastic. This is what provides stability. Repeat this step until you have the desired amount of "flowers."

Use the saw to make your "stems" varying lengths.

Fill the vase with filler and begin to "arrange" your flowers. 

Wrap each dowel with floral tape.

Here's a close-up of the bottoms of the cups. If some are burned, no worries, they'll be covered soon.

 Now, unwrap a single sheet of red tissue paper. Softly poke the end of the dowel through the center of the sheet. 
 Carefully, work the paper up the dowel to the bottom of the cup.

Now fold the tissue around the cup and begin to push the excess into the center of the cup. 

The excess provides a cushion for the golf ball.

Repeat this process until all "flowers" have bloomed! 

Use the green tissue papers to fill in the dead space and create the look of floral greenery.

All that's left is to carefully place a golf ball inside of each flower and you're done! Let's take one more look at the final project, shall we?

File this one away, friends. Valentine's Day is just around the corner. If you have a golfer in your life, surprise them with something original this year!

Don't have a golfer? That's can revise this project numerous ways. Fill the flowers with his favorite candy, love coupons or any other little trinket. The best part? These flowers don't die!

Have a fun weekend, friends! I'm excited to say we have nothing planned. Hooray for rest!

If you're looking to create something fun in your house, contact me! E-design available.

Linking to: C.R.A.F.T.


  1. I was wowed by your gulfball flowers. It is just too cute. Your tutorial was explained wonderfully!

  2. Oh my goodness my dad would LOVE these!

    What a fun DIY!



  3. That is so stinkin cute. I'm pinning this for Father's Day!

  4. Whew! I'm tired just reading that list! Love that it coordinates with her nursery theme! Can't wait to see it, btw!

  5. Wow, that might be a floral arrangement that my husband would enjoy! Great tutorial and I hope you get to take a break this weekend!

  6. What a fun DIY! I love the idea of putting candy in the center. That's so creative!

  7. Finally a manly Valentine's gift! My husband would go nuts over this! I'm hosting a linky party, the theme is all time favorite post- would love it if you joined in!

  8. Ha - that is such a crazy cool idea. My husband loves golf and I always tease him about about HIM flowers for Valentines :)

    Love for you to share this at JAQS Studio Linky Party:


  9. Great idea Dana, and so creative! 3 out of 4 of us play golf - I do not - and one is a golf fiend so perhaps this is something to consider.

  10. I'll try different colors of tissue paper to make a colorful bouquet! Not only is this great for home decoration, but it’s also a fun activity to spend quality time with my kids!

  11. So I’m worried about the golf balls falling out of the cups and rolling all over? Has anyone used tape to hold them in place?

  12. Wow! This is so creative indeed. Keep sharing such ideas and how-tos. Never thought someone could make such pretty flowers with golf balls. You might like to check this amazing site out.

  13. How do you keep the golf balls from falling out?


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  15. This did not work with those cups!!! Ridiculous!

  16. Finally!! Use a glue gun.

  17. I really liked it. These amazing flowers ideas are good. Must try amazing flower names ideas!
