Friday, March 30, 2012

Great idea!?...not so much

Have you ever started a project that seemed like "such a great idea" only to end up thinking, "What was I thinking?!" Oh yes, that was my yesterday. I loved the bold statement of this letter when I came across this image. It's bold in its simplicity. 

I thought I had the perfect spot for it...the tiny foyer area by our front door. I busted out the blue tape to get a good feel for the overall look. I was still on board at this point, although I wasn't quite ready to make the paint commitment. 
 To avoid the mess, I decided I'd use grosgrain ribbon instead.  
 It was looking pretty good but in certain areas the ribbon would jump right off the wall! It was so frustrating. I tried several different options to correct the problem, but none worked. You know what this means, right? Either another trip to the store for different adhesives or time to bust out the paint. Hum? What to do?
Painting turns this little project into a major time commitment so I decided to call in the troops for their opinions. 
Bryn, "Not so much, Mom."
Reed, "I think it's cool!"
And, John, "Huh. Well, it's not my favorite. I don't think I'm feelin' it."
Me: "If nobody's loving it, then it's time to tear down and clean up!"

I'm sad to report there's no evidence of this project in my house today (except for the ladder that doesn't seem to know how to put itself away). Oh well, on the the next bright idea!

Any bright ideas coming to life in your house this weekend? Hopefully, you'll have a better end result!

If you'd like help creating a fun space in your own home, check out these available services.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Random Act of Kindness #27

Last week's "You're Awesome Party!" was so much fun that we're going to keep the party going for one more week. This's all about Starbursts.

RAK Challenge #27: Tell someone they're a 'Star'bursting with potential!

There are several variations of this random act of kindness, but here's how we pulled it off. I contacted Bryn's teacher and asked if I could steal 15 minutes of class time. She was totally on-board so I downloaded a star printable and copied it onto neon cardstock. We paired the kiddos up and talked about the importance of using words to build each other up instead of tearing others down. Then they switched cards and completed the following sentence..."_____, You're a star bursting with potential because..."
Here's what a sweet little boy had to say about my daughter!

Top off the kind words with a few fun stickers and wallah...a great reminder that someone thinks highly of them. Oh yeah, and this RAK wouldn't be complete without a goodie bag of starburst candies of course!

This idea actually originated way back in college. John was interviewing for a job and I covered his car with starburst magnets. Sound familiar?'re probably remembering a certain Valentine's treat where I did something similar with Hershey's kisses.

Are you thinking this sounds great but it's too much work? Well, let's make it even easier by simply buying a package of Starbursts and making a little tag to pass along with the treat. Anyone, any age would love to know someone thinks they're a star!

Okay, now it's your turn...Be the star that you are and let your kindness shine!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Flower Power

Isn't it great how a little touch of color can brighten, not only a room, but your mood as well? I spent a good part of this last weekend working on our flowerbeds and filling our flower pots. Do you remember my tip from this fall when we built our pallet bench? Monday morning clearance at Lowes! That's where I get all of my plants super discounted. Just look for the yellow stickers in the clearance section.

I thought it may be a little fun to look at a few creative ways to bring new life to the hobby of gardening today. This first image is my favorite, so unique and different! Ever heard of a String Garden?

I'm not sure how it works, but they're quite intriguing to look at, aren't they? Guess's not just limited to flowers, you can suspend an entire tree! Oh yes, seeing is believing...

Well, if you're gardening skills are not quite up to these fascinating displays of awesomeness, then I'll bring it back down to reality and show you a fun and creative display that is easily achievable. How about using an old window pane? Check this out...

Lucy, from Craftberry Bush, came up with this great idea. We've all seen old window panes at antique stores and now you know exactly what you can use it for. A few little screws through the handle of the watering cans and you have an instant display. Wouldn't this add character to your backyard?

Okay, now it's your turn. Go get your hands a little dirty and make something pretty, friends!

If you're interested in design services, contact me so we can get started!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Transparent Tuesday

Well, I'm breaking the #1 blogging rule of all times today. There are absolutely no pretty pictures in today's post. Sorry, friends, it's about transparency today and you're in for the real deal.

A long time ago, I heard a psychologist on a show talk about what the insides of your cabinets/closets look like and what that says about you. Oh no! There are just so many translations of what you're about to see. That psychologist would have a hay day analyzing me for sure.

Cover your eyes Feast your eyes on the candy cabinet...

 Hello, Mr. Santa. Is there candy in you or are you just hanging out enjoying the view? Would you believe me if I told you I cleaned this area out right before Christmas?!

 Right below that beautiful cabinet of wonderfulness is the ever-so-popular junk drawer. You know how it goes...ring, ring..."Hey! Oh, you're on your way? Great!" Quick...shove it in the drawer so they don't think we're slobs.
 Need a pot? Hope you don't expect to find the lid! It's there though, I promise.
Aaaannnd, the craft closet. This is 100% my junk. I can't blame this mess on anyone else in the family. So wish I could!

So, back to my psychologist friend and his thoughts. I'm thinking he'd nail me with a description like this (based on my closets and cabinets)... "She wants everyone to think she's got it all together, so her outward appearance is generally nice and clean. But man, oh man, look what a hot mess she is on the inside!!!"

No need to leave a comment telling me to stop being so hard on myself. If I were really worried about things, I'd be quick to clean up these messes. But, I can guarantee that if you were to visit in a month or two, these areas would still look like this!

What's going on in your life? Do you need a little encouragement today? Hopefully, you've learned through this post, that I'm no super woman and I'm very much REAL. If there are areas where you're struggling to be real, I'd love to pray for you. Leave me a comment or send me an email: Prayer is powerful, friends!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Currently Trending...feathers+arrows=Tribal Decor

Hey there, friends! Happy Monday to ya. Too cheerful for Monday? Okay, okay, I hear ya...toning it down right now.

Let's talk tribal. You know feathers and arrows. Have you noticed the trend lately? I have to say I liking it!

NativeShop, has fun accessories to add to your home decor. Take a look...

These little fellas would be very well received if they just happened to pop up on my mantle. You see, there are 2 certain someones in our house who play with their bow and arrows as a favorite past-time. Sadly, their arrows are a little too expensive for me to snag for a DIY project. 

I've said it before...if you're looking to make your house 'a home', then use decorative items that represent the interests of everyone living there.

Moving on to feathers. I look forward to the day when I have an oversized piece of art hanging in my house. Isn't the one above pure greatness? I have a few ideas rattling around in my head about some bedroom updates in my own bedroom. I'm on the hunt...

These geometric prints are an unexpected way to bring in arrowheads to your decor. 

And, since we're on the topic of arrows...this little pillow had me at hello!

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? I'm putting on my DIY cap...

If you'd like help turning your house into a home, take a peek at my available design services

Friday, March 23, 2012

50's Decor Garage Sale find

I teased you the other day when I told you I bought something that I described as "so ugly, it's awesome." Well feast your eyes on this ugliness awesomeness!

 This past weekend was the Citywide Garage Sale and I went for the very first time. It's held at one of Austin's Event Centers so it's pretty big and it's 'good stuff' instead of Uncle Harry's hand-me downs that have been hanging out in someone's attic for 20 years.

So, here's my purchase...
Two little stools that I wondered if they'd even 'fit' in my house, but they just 'spoke' to me when I saw them. Am I crazy? There's a little something about them that stirred up some nostalgia and reminded me of my grandparents house. As I was paying for them, I was thinking, "John's totally going to think I fell off my rocker this time!" He snickered when he saw them, but was so kind to hold his words.
And, look at this! They're stackable. Fun, right?
The big I recover them or leave them as is? It's fun to have an item or two in each room that throws the balance off a bit and adds some interest. I think the juxtaposition is great. That being said, I can really see them looking fabulous with a new finish and updated coverings. 

What do you think? Keep them true to their era or bring them into this century?

I hope you have a happy weekend, friends. Hopefully the sun will shine bright and the birds will be singing. Go soak in spring!

If you're interested in design services, I'd love to help you. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Random Act of Kindness #26

I hope you're all feeling kind today. If you're not, go back to bed, roll over and get out on the other side. Problem fixed? Great! Now it's time to accept your RAK challenge for the day.

RAK Challenge #26: Throw a "You're Awesome Party" for someone!

My husband and kids are no strangers to doing RAKS for other people, but several nights ago I turned the tables on them! They were the recipients of a Random Act of Kindness. While everyone was away at school and work I baked an angel food cake to get ready for their "You're Awesome Party."

After dinner I told them it was time to celebrate just how awesome they all are with a little cake, a little whipping cream and of course, a lot of kind words. We served up healthy portions and let the fun begin.

We went around the table and told each other how awesome they are and why we love them. Everyone took turns and addressed each person individually. Sweet Bryn decided we needed to to this BEFORE anyone could eat their cake. Darn...I had really long lists prepared but this suggestion just made me edit it considerably! She didn't inherit her willpower from me, friends.

It was really sweet seeing the kids faces beam when it was their turn to listen to their compliments. They both got the nervous giggles. I also thought it was special for the kids to witness John and me expressing heartfelt words towards each other.

We demolished our cake and guess what happened next? What's one to do with an almost full can of whipping guessed it...

Yum! Yum!

I invite you, my friends, to not let another day go by without throwing a "You're Awesome Party!" It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just make sure the words you speak are out of love and aimed straight at their hearts.

Don't forget, your free RAK printables are available here

If you're not in the partying mood, there are 25 other ways to share your kindness. Click here, here or here to get started.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How to add Texture to Paintings

 I broke out the paint brushes for take 2 of teaching myself to paint. If you'll think back with me, you'll remember I was inspired by a piece of art on a past moodboard. I finally got up the nerve to give it a go. I used supplies I had on hand in case it was a bust, this way I wouldn't be out any $$!

 A close-up of the texture.

The original artist used oil paints, but this is what I had on hand...
 See the secret ingredient?...Nail Hole filler! I started by covering my blank canvas board with the filler to create the desired design. It goes on pink so it's easy to see. After playing a little and getting it just right, set aside and let it dry. When the filler has turned completely white, you're ready to paint.

I channeled a little David Bromstad, so when the painting wasn't going the way I wanted, I dipped my brush in water and let the mixing begin. David's a little more sophisticated and actually uses a spray bottle.

If you're a real artist, I apologize right now for my ignorance of art supplies. I'm hoping to become more educated as I dive into this awesome world!
 Don't have the right colors? That's okay, just mix it all up and experiment until you get what you like. It's like being a kid again...playing with paint. It's kind of freeing, you should give it a try!
Anyone noticing the beautiful Reader's Digest book under the painting? That's a recent garage sale find! You won't believe what else I bought. I'll share soon. But for now, I'll tell you how I described them to a friend... "so ugly, they're awesome!" Think 50's avocado green and harvest gold. yikes!

If  you're interested in design services, click here to learn more.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Transparent Tuesday

Let's talk about friends today.
Transparency right?...I'm hard to be friends with. There. I said it.

I have very high expectations of my friends: trust, loyalty and a 2-sided conversation. Nothing bothers me more than a person who calls and dumps on you then doesn't even take the time to ask how you're doing.

I also have a very warped sense of humor. I will laugh at you uncontrollably if you trip, fall or do anything even slightly embarrassing. Does it make it any better that I also will laugh at myself in the exact same way?

I'm not the type of person that has tons of friends. I have a million acquaintances but very few good friends. The topic of friendship has been on my mind a lot recently. Several days ago, I read a facebook post where a person expressed sadness that they didn't have 'real' friends. She described a 'real' friend as someone to send a random text to or someone who would call just because. I wondered how many others feel this same way but don't have the nerve to express it. 

That same day, I noticed my childhood best friend was on-line and posted a status of "when it rains it pours." I have no idea what she was referring to. We haven't talked in well over a year. I decided to send her a message to tell her I was thinking about her and told her a few memories that had danced into my brain about the countless nights we spent at each others homes when we were little. Guess what I got in return? Silence. No response at all. Honestly, I'm not exactly sure why we're not speaking.

Let's take a minute to reflect back on transparency. Why can't we all just be real with one another? My few good friends, know me inside and out. I can be transparent with them because I trust them. I know they're not going to use my short-comings against me.

What is it that keeps us from being real with one another? Probably the same thing that's keeping me from picking up the phone and calling my childhood friend. Pride. It can be an ugly thing.

We are called to "love at all times." I still love my friend, but I'm not being a real friend unless I pick up the phone and try to resolve our differences.

What about you? Are you in need of prayers today? Maybe there's a relationship in your life where pride has reared it's ugly face. I'd be honored to pray for peace and resolution for you.

It doesn't have to be 'friend-related,' it can be anything. Leave me a comment or email your request to

Monday, March 19, 2012

Million Dollar Tour

Oh, if I only had a cool $1.6 million laying around, then this house might just tempt me a little! I pinned an image this weekend and when I went searching for the original source I was so surprised to learn this gorgeousness is right here in Austin! 

Sit back as we take a picture stroll and I fill you in on it's history. Love a house with a story!

 This isn't just a's a castle! Bouldin Castle was once an orthodox church. After the church closed in 2007, they began receiving offers from developers.

Developers, Priscilla Glover and Ivan Spaller, are responsible for this amazing transformation. 

As a means to increase the home's exposure, the developers listed it for several years with a vacation rental site. Sure do wish I had been fortunate enough to stay there...would've been a great staycation!

 One of the lucky guests describes his experience by saying, "It's a taste of the European countryside without the jet-lag and expensive airline ticket."

 There's just something about black, white, gold and quatrefoils that make my heart sing!
 My minimalist tendencies shining through as I'm loving the wide, open spaces with no clutter.
 The first time the developer toured the single-story church, he went home and sketched plans for the castle as it looks today.

Let's just take a minute to really appreciate that door and those floors. Sigh! Oh my, check out that fan. Never seen one like that before.
 The exterior...would you expect anything less? I'm mean it's a castle people!
Bouldin castle was originally built in 1940 as a Roman Catholic Church.
And, the daytime view!

Twelve tiles in the pool have painted crosses to represent the 12 apostles. Guess who's in the deep end? Judas!

Well, I'm sad to say that my extra $1.6 million is going to have to stay in the bank since I just realized this listing is sold. Bummer. Maybe I should go take the new owner some cookies and see if they'll give me a tour! That'd be awesome!!