Monday, November 12, 2012

Magazine feature

Want to see something funny to kick off your week? I'm in a magazine. This one to be exact...

Can anyone translate for me? I don't even know how to pronounce the name of it!
(ignore my lack of technical skills and inability to get the menu bar off this shot)

Hummm, I really hope they like my work because for all I know they could be featuring me in the section titled, "Designers who think they know what they're doing but really don't." ha! Under that silly menu bar is John's smiling face. So fun that both our pictures made it in the spread since he's the muscle behind this duo.

When I first received the email from the Ukrainian editor, I totally thought it was spam. I decided to dig a little deeper before completely blowing it off and I'm glad I did. Come to find out, several other bloggers, whom I really respect, have had their work featured in the same magazine. How fun!

The editor promised to send me a hard copy. Won't it make a really funny conversation piece hanging out on the coffee table?!

Thanks for indulging me in this quirky bit of news today, friends.


  1. How exciting!! You've gone international!!! So happy for you on your recognition. Imagine someone in the other side of the world following your tutorial and putting up a diamond wall? How cool is that????

  2. Congrats my world renowned friend(s)!! How fun is this, you have to find a translation! I'll bet John'g going to take it to work and show his friends. :)

  3. That's so neat!! Congrats to you both! :)

  4. Ben speaks and reads Russian, so he might be able to decipher some of this. I'll ask him.

    Also, congrats on your magazine feature! That is so cool!!!
