Thursday, November 1, 2012

Random Act of Kindness #55

Did you survive? We did! I had one kid give away every single piece of candy before making it home and the other hoarded  collected as much as possible. Isn't it funny the different personalities of each kid?

If you're like most families and have an excess of the sugary stuff laying around then put it to good use. Today's RAK challenge encourages you to eat 'til your little heart's content then send the extra to the troops. Did you know you can do that?!

On Tuesday, November 1st, many local dentists and orthodontists are offering buy-back programs for Halloween candy. Some are giving out cash, coupons and prizes to kids in exchange for their candy.

Then the dentists and orthodontists donate the candy to Operation Gratitude. Operation Gratitude sends care packages to US military serving overseas. How cool is that? It's a win/win situation. You get to share the calories candy!

Curious if a dentist or orthodontist near you is participating? Go to the website HERE and type in your zip code in the upper right corner.

This is such a great cause and so much better than the waste that tends to happen to the candy after the initial excitement wears off around here.

Okay friends, it's that time...Go Out and Be Kind!


  1. We've already got our email from our dentist ~ great program for all!

  2. Our school always hosts a candy give-back program and sends the proceeds to the military. The kids can enter to win an ipod/etc. I need to get it out of my house….I can't be left alone with all these goodies!
