Tuesday, February 19, 2013

You won't believe what we promised the kids...

On my most recent house hunting trip to Dallas, I found a lot (as in land, not tons) that had potential. It had a creek view and I'm drawn to that since we have a boy who'd go c.r.a.z.y exploring and being one with nature.

Then, I found this design by Austin architects, Furman + Kiel, and instantly decided that lot had lots of potential (pun intended).

Here are several shots I snapped while snooping a peek into the neighbor's backyard making sure a house and pool could fit on the lot. Did I mention John and I made the biggest mistake ever?! Out of pure guilt and as a means to stop the flow of tears when we shattered our kids' hearts told the kids we were moving, we promised them a pool! Now who's c.r.a.z.y? Go ahead, point the fingers, we deserve it.

Bryn and Reed have shared their visions for our new place and Bryn has added "a tree house" to the ever so long list of requirements. So, I'm thinking that'd be a great DIY daddy/daughter project, right? 
 We'll see how bad she wants that tree house once she realizes there's manual labor involved!

Aren't Texas trees gorgeous? NOT. But, keep in mind it is technically still winter so things are a bit bare. And, it beats the heck out of looking into your neighbor's bedroom window!


  1. i am wishing you all the best luck!!!!!! especially with that pool part... ;)

  2. I know all about the crazy promises while moving. We promised the kids a dog and not a little dog but a fairly good size dog. The puppy was found four weeks before we moved so we were the crazy family with a puppy, selling a house and moving. How awesome would that lot be? :)

  3. Oooh, that inspiration picture is seriously amazing ~ how do they feel about beams? :)

  4. What a great lot. A pool would be fun ;)

