Monday, August 19, 2013

How to remove decorative trim from cabinets

I really can't believe this is my last Monday before school starts. This time next week we'll be hurriedly eating breakfast, packing lunches and taking the obligatory first day of school photos. Crazy! I know many of you are already in full swing of things. Is it just me or does summer seem to be getting shorter every year?

We're continuing to tackle projects over here, big and small. Today's post is a small project but it makes a huge difference in my mind. I'm not a huge fan of all the curves present on our kitchen cabinets. Within the first week, I had climbed up to inspect the trim and prayed it'd come down easy.

Here's the before...rope accents not only line the top of cabinets but also run down every edge.

 I was thrilled to learn the small, top piece was merely nailed in with the teeniest of nails. This meant easy removal and zero repair work. Woo hoo!
 I simply wedged a flat head screwdriver between the trim and cabinet. It easily pulled away from the cabinet so with a little more force the pieces ripped right off.

Here's the trim when it's completely detached.

And, the after shot!

Since clean, sleek lines are much more in line with my personal design aesthetic, this simple little change makes a huge difference. Now, if only those big honkin' pieces were going to be as easy to remove! I'm still trying to figure that one out.

Next up? Paint colors for those beautifully green stained babies. Farrow and Ball's downpipe has always been my favorite.

Farrow and Ball's paint is crazy expensive so I asked my friends at Home Depot if they happened to have the code for this paint in their system and they did!

I bought a sample and I'm currently contemplating if it's right for our space. Since I'm stuck with the countertops due to budget, and I don't have all the beautiful white accents to help balance the dark color, I'm just not sure. Time will tell...


  1. You are a genius, I would've never thought to remove it, what a difference! Today was our first day, and my boy informed me that no one takes first day of school pics when you're in 9th grade! We took them, after some threats! :)

  2. Oh my gosh, you just inspired about a million people to take a screw driver to their dated rope trim! I can't believe it came off that easy - now onto the new color! So excited to see what you go with!

  3. Holy cow what a difference it makes!! I love that dark moody color! I can't wait to see what you choose!

  4. Hi!
    Just wondering what you did about paint? Did you go with the F&B? It is a gorgeousc color. I also think if you were to paint those rope columnns they'd fade into the background and become texture, vs. a focal point. They're not as bad as they could be!

  5. Love this...but instead of trying to remove the trim, can you cover it with a piece of wood at an angle to give it a more modern look with straight lines? I don't know if I missed it in a newer post but I'd love to see it finished. I just found your blog and I'm hooked. Love the wall in your latest post!


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  7. Holy cow what a difference it makes!! I love that dark moody color! I can't wait to see what you choose!

  8. I found the original photo and loved it. Came to see if you had other inspirations. Sad to find you just removed it. I still love the color and the cabinets are still great look8ng.
