Thursday, April 23, 2015

Bathroom Remodel Progress: ORC: Week 4

We have showers! Well, kind of. They're not functioning yet but they're getting close. Let's start with the Master bathroom shower. It looks HUGE but the actual usable/splashable space makes up about 2/3's of the below green area.

And just like that, tile magically appears. (If only it were that easy and that quick!) We opted for a ceramic 8"x 24" tile. It's called Double Gray but should be named 'greige' because sometimes it's beige and sometimes it's gray. Regardless, I'm super pleased with it and love how the sheen picks up the reflection of the window.

The ceilings in our Master bath are vaulted and we're fortunate enough to have an existing beam. The previous owners painted it white. I wanted to bring in a little warmth to the space so John and I brainstormed ideas of how to do this on the cheap. Guess what we ended up using?


Plywood utility panels to the rescue. They come in 8' x 4' sheets for around $24/each. After a little wood conditioner and stain, we ripped them into strips and nailed them right over the existing beam.

 See how thin they are? Definitely something you appreciate when you're working 16 feet in the air and holding them overhead.

I'd say it's a pretty good fix! 

Okay, time to switch gears here. Let's meander on over to our Guest powder bath that can officially be considered a full bath now since we've added a shower.

Well looky there, those plywood utility panels are making another appearance. This time we used them to plank the walls. Below they're laying in our garage with a coat of primer.

And now you get a little glimpse into the installation and shower tile. If you read Week 2 of the ORC, you'll remember I scored this tile for $.87 square foot. That just makes me like it even more!

Here's an extreme close up of the floor tile. Can you see the texture? I ran across this tile at The Tile Shop and liked it far before I even realized I'd actually end up using it. Months later, I brought home a sample for my master bathroom, nixed it, then it sat and collected dust until I had an 'ah ha' moment and realized it was perfect for the guest bath.

Any guesses what the heck I plan on doing with this Craigslist find?
Utility cart turned bathroom vanity...makes perfect sense, right? It could be 'oh so good' or 'oh so bad', you'll have to check back in 2 weeks for the full reveal and I'll let you be the judge.

Thanks for spending your time checking out our madness  progress. Don't forget to click through to check out the progress of the other ORC linking participants.


  1. Dana, that beam!!! You are a genius! It looks fantastic. I think that utility cart is going to be so cool and functional too. So excited for you on all this progress!

  2. That beam is brilliant and I like how the material works for the planking too. Pretty tile. I bet the utility cart is going to be a winner! :)

  3. i love everything i see so far! the utility cart vanity- can't wait to see that!

  4. I am just sitting here and my mind is racing with ideas. I love all of this. I can't wait to see the utility cart/vanity, because that one has me stumped.

  5. I love that beam! Can't wait to see it all finished!

  6. WOW! That utility cart vanity is going to be killer! LOVE the shiny tiles in the shower and that beam looks amazing! Can't wait to see what you've got for next week!

  7. That beam looks great! It really does warm up the room. Can't wait to see that cart turn into a vanity. Oh, and the tile looks amazing. Great work!

  8. Can't wait to see the utility cart vanity. So cool! Love how you covered the beam. Yay for progress!

  9. Wow! Fantastic job on that beam! So much progress! Can't wait to see it all come together

  10. The beam turned out beautifully - great fix! I can't wait to see everything come together, it will be awesome!

  11. what the what?! utility cart as vanity? yes please. a million times yes. i seriously cannot wait for that one!

  12. The beam looks awesome, what a great fix! Can't wait to see it all come together!

  13. Wait, are you working on TWO bathrooms at once?? Fantastic solution for the beam, it's such a focal point now! And I'm really loving that large rectangular tile, so pretty!

  14. The use of plywood is genius! It really warms up the space. I'm excited about the guest vanity!

  15. I love the beam and all of the tiling looks great so far! I can't wait to see how the utility card > vanity turns out.

  16. You have such wonderful spaces to renovate! Your master bedroom with the new beam looks amazing. I really look forward seeing your finished spaces!

  17. You are right, the sheen on the tile is perfect! Love what y'all did with the beams!!!

  18. Can't wait to see what you do with the cart, and the beam looks awesome. Great job!

  19. I can't wait to see what you do with that cart?! All the choices you've made so far is fabulous!!!! So excited on this one!

  20. I want beams!!! You two are amazing together (the next John & Sherry)! LOVE the cart and can only imagine what you'll create! Good luck this week!

  21. Okay the beam treatment is one of the best DIY things I have seen in a long while! Brilliant!

  22. Great idea with the beams - love how it turned out! Can't wait to see what the cart becomes! :)

  23. Oh I love the beams!!!!!! And the cart... hmmmm. Can't wait to see!

  24. Great bathroom idea shared here with us which is really useful for bathroom renovation.Looking so wonde3rful and different thanks and keep updating us with beautiful bathroom pictures.

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