Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Woodland Room Spoiler

So we all know by now that patience is not one of my virtues! Hence, why I'm spoiling the 'big reveal' and showing you the progress pictures.
Oh yes...there's an arbor in this Woodland Room! Nothing like sleeping under the trees. I'm still trying to finalize the look. It's definitely in need of more tweaking before I'm lovin' it.

This little area will be getting some art and/or a mirror possibly.

 I found the lampshade at Ikea yesterday and love how it pulls in all the colors through flowers. Perfect, right?! I still need to take the plastic off the shade. It's not as shiny as it looks.

 Bye, bye traditional nightstand. If it holds an alarm clock, it works in my book!

Are you wondering if I used my power tools for this project? I have to come clean and tell you I didn't touch a single one. I played the role of Tim the Toolman's handy assistant and let my husband do the cutting. I bet he just cringes inside when he hears the words..."So, I was thinking..." 

Lots to do still, but don't fret, I'll keep you posted. (Oh yes, pun intended!)

If you want me to "think" about your room, contact me so we can get started. Available services listed here.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Transparent Tuesday

 I tried something new yesterday for the first time...painting an abstract. I've really had the itch to give it a try and I had a blast. I had a leftover canvas hanging out in my closet so I thought, "What the heck? I'll give it a whirl!"
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Wondering how I'm going to tie abstract art and transparency together into one post? Well, friends, take a close look at this painting. It's definitely not bright and happy and may even be translated as dark and gloomy. Today's transparent moment is something that can throw me into this dark and gloomy space quicker than I'd like to admit.

It starts with this...
 You're probably thinking I have a weight problem. Honestly, I don't. My problem is all in my head. I used to weigh myself each morning. This would set the tone for the remainder of the day. Small number = happy mood. Big number = cranky mood.

It took me way too long to figure this out, but one day I finally realized that silly scale was controlling me. Why in the world would I allow a number define me? Doesn't make sense, right? Logically, I know this but weight and food are real issues in my life.

Well, I convinced myself to take back control and stop stepping on the scale. It's tucked away nicely in the linen closet and only gets used once in a blue moon now. I know it sounds silly, but it feels a little triumphant to have overcome the 'need' to weigh myself daily.

So, friends, what's controlling you? Is there something you'd love to break free from? Are you ready to get out of the dark and gloomy?

I'd love to pray for you. Leave a comment or send me an email,

Monday, February 27, 2012

How to build a room

I thought about titling this post 'Moodboard Monday' but that's probably been done a million times already, right? Alliteration is just so catchy when it comes to titles. Anyway, I thought it may be fun to take a peek at a recent room design and walk you through it. 
Pin It

Floor Lamp: Zinc Door
Whale Pillow: 2Modern
Mirrors: Target
Table Lamp (actual lamp no longer available, but here's a similar one): Home Decorators
Leather Drum Ottoman: Zinc Door
Ikat pillows: Layla Grace
Drapes: Walmart
Medallion Pillow: Zinc Door
Side Table: Layla Grace

So many people start to decorate a room and suddenly feel paralyzed. It seems so overwhelming with the bajillion selections available. 
So where do you start? 
This room was born with 2 colors, navy and orange. The ikat pillows provide a great color scheme. Study those colors and run with it. Here's a know those colors rock it because a designer has already put them together in their great fabric design! 
Find accessories that blend but aren't matchy matchy.
If everything in the room matches, then your room becomes very boring. There's nothing of interest to draw in your attention. When the above piece of art is added, boom...our color scheme just grew. Now we can easily pull in yummy buttercream (sorry, I'm suddenly thinking about cupcakes) leather ottomans and green drapes.
Mix high-end with low-end
Your room doesn't have to cost a fortune. Be willing to splurge a little on the furniture pieces you'll be using the most. If art is your thing, then splurge on a piece that makes your heart sing. Now find areas to skimp. For example, did you notice where the drapes are sourced above? That's right...Walmart!
Don't be afraid to mix metals
Once again, not everything needs to match, including metal finishes. The antique gold finish of the mirrors sit nicely above an industrial table with a contrasting metal finish.

So there ya go, friends, a few little tips to keep in mind as you begin to build your room. If you're still feeling hesitant or overwhelmed, I'd love to help you. Read about available services here then feel free to contact me.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Just Hangin'

We made it's Friday! Super fun day around here...Katie (remember her vintage mod golf nursery?) is having her baby today and tonight is my son's birthday party! Lots to do and lots to see!

Speaking of lots to see, I've seen something recently that has peaked my interest. I love creative ways to do "normal" things. For example, how about using chains to hang your pictures?

I pinned the above image not too long ago, then yesterday, I ran across Mandi's pretty room with the same idea.
Mandi didn't actually "hang" the pictures from the chains. She hung the chains from the ceiling then they rest behind the picture. Clever, right? Check out her how-to here.

I'm loving this idea for my entry. What do you think? Would it look funny on the curve? Would it be too much?
I know you have great opinions to share so let 'er rip. 

Have a great weekend, friends! I'm off to do some party-planning and some baby lovin'!

If you're interested in creating a fun and fabulous space, contact me. I'd love to work with you!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Random Act of Kindness #23

I'm just going to jump right on in there with today's RAK challenge...

Random Act of Kindness #23: When you receive excellent customer service, take a minute to sing their praises, or better yet, let their boss know what a great job they're doing.

When we receive bad customer service, what's the first thing we're inclined to do? Ask to speak with a manager, right? Well, friends, I challenge you to look around for people who really are doing a stand-up job and ask to speak to their manager too!

Yes, I practice what I preach...I've recently been corresponding with someone via email and she's been very patient and understanding towards my "computer idioticy syndrome." I asked for her editor's email address and sent a word of praise as a simple thank you for the way she does her job.

It only takes a minute of your time to pass on a word of kindness.

If you've missed out on other RAK challenges, here are a few to get you started: click here and here.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Imitation is the highest form of flattery...

Several months ago I had a consultation with a client/friend. We discussed several areas in her home that she's looking to spice up a bit. She wanted to do something fun on her ceilings. I began emailing her options to get a feel for her interests. Nothing seemed to float her boat until she saw Pam's crazy cool ceiling. There was no hesitation. She saw it. She loved it. We did it!
Pin It

Can I just tell you how much respect I have for Pam, as a designer? This was no easy task and she made it look effortless!

Nailhead trim, who would've thought?!

Did I mention I will never be influenced by one of Pam's great DIYs again? What took her around half a day to complete, took me six!! At one point, my friend asked, "How much do you think it'd cost to buy Pam a plane ticket to come down?"

My friend is officially banned from reading Pam's blog! Just kidding, you both are great and your patience with me throughout this project was much appreciated.

If you're a patient person and want help with a project in your own home, contact me. I'd be honored to work with you.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Transparent Tuesday

Do you have it? I don't! Now that the paint is complete in Bryn's room, I'm ready for the "fun" stuff to be done, like yesterday! Here's a little sneak peek at our progress (for those of you who also lack patience!) 
On to the real reason for today's post...a little transparency.
     My husband and I were handed a huge dose of patience years back. We finally made the big decision to start trying to get pregnant. We were so excited and kind of scared at the same time. The thoughts started whirling around in your head..."Will we make good parents?" and "Can we afford to have a baby?"

Well, friends, I found out I was pregnant on a Wednesday and quickly shared the exciting news with John. We were beside ourselves! Guess what happened that Friday?...John lost his job! Whhhaaaat? Holy cow, what now?

We figured he'd just find another job and that'd be that. Well, guess what? Month 1 passed, no job. Month 2, no job. Month 3, no job. Are you seeing a pattern here? John was without a job throughout my entire pregnancy!

It wasn't for a lack of trying. John was searching hard and praying harder, but it seemed there was silence, not only from employers, but from God! How could He abandon us during this time?!

Can you imagine poor John's feelings during this time? A pregnant, hormonal wife and the pressure of wondering how he's going to provide for his family.

After 9 months of waiting, John landed a job. He literally began work just days before Bryn was born. How's that for perfect timing?! We were taught many lessons during that 9 months and then just like the perfect Father that He is, God provided in our time of need.

I read this in my daily devotional yesterday and loved the words so much that I'd like to pass it on...
"Don’t give up hope! God is faithful, and you can rely on His perfect timing. Fix your eyes on Him and enjoy the journey to your destination. There are things to be learned along the way that will enhance the joy of a promise fulfilled."

What about you, friends? In need of prayers? Leave me a comment or send an email ( and I promise to talk with God about you today!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Peek-a-boo paint test

Happy President's Day! What better way to spend this holiday other than painting?!

That's exactly what I'm doing today. I'm super excited to be making progress in my daughter's room redo. The ideas have been whirling around in my brain for months now and today's the day when installation begins!

Last week we finalized the paint color. Thought I'd share a little paint testing tip...what do you do if you're not ready to commit 100% and you're not sure you have the original paint color on hand to cover up your tests if you hate them? You put your samples in a discreet place, of course! I chose a spot behind the chalkboard in her room. Why not paint something fun while your at it?...

Yep, little heart paint sample hiding behind the chalkboard. 

Curious what paint color we decided to go with? Here's a clue (I kid you not)...
That's right, friends, Rhino by Behr.

Based on the name, you'd think we're going after a dark grey, but it's actually a light color that reads very blue.

So stay tuned as we take her room from this...

To something more along the lines of this...

Man, I wish I could just blink and it'd be done. It's going to be 1000 times better than before!

If you're looking for a little help or inspiration in your own home, contact me. I'd love to work with you.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Warehouse sale...worth it?

Is anyone else glad it's Friday? I've been looking forward to this day all week. Can I get an amen?

I was talking to a dear friend last week and she was mentioning how hard it is to find good furniture. Her complaint was that all the "big" stores carry the same lines and "everything looks the same." This conversation spurred me to think about creative places to buy unique furniture. 

My absolute favorite place to find great pieces is a warehouse sale. Have you heard of Four Hands? They carry high-end furniture that's waaay out of my budget. But lucky for me, Four Hands has a quarterly warehouse sale that allows people like me to buy crazy good furniture at affordable prices.

Make sure you check out these price tags as you scroll through. Many of these pieces are more than half off the original price! Yes, you read that right.

Awesome coffee table, anyone?

Oh, if I only had room for this beauty to come live with me!

Wouldn't these be great in a playroom or kid's bedroom?

Chairs galore.

Don't forget the lighting.

This rug is marked down almost $1000 and it's a huge rug, not to mention beautiful!

Once again, how about a $955 markdown?!

Crazy cool tortoise shell. Oh yeah, it's also a light!

More trunk goodness.

Reclaimed wood table.

Tufted greatness mixed with industrial fabulosity.

Anyone ready to hit the next sale with me? Let me tell you, it's an event. My girlfriends and I mark our calendars and literally line up waiting with baited breath to get in. It's a mad dash and you'll literally see people sitting on pieces to stake their claim! Who knew furniture shopping could turn into a competition?

So, the moral of this story is...think outside the box when it comes to places to shop. Check around and ask others about sales and most importantly, don't let the word 'warehouse' scare you off!

I hope you're weekend is a great one, friends. No school on Monday, so it's a long weekend for us. Happy kiddos in the Frieling house!

I'd love to help you find budget-friendly furniture for your own me! On-line and in-home consultations available.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Random Act of Kindness #22

I hope you're feeling extra kind today since it's time for our weekly RAK challenge. Today's challenge deals with WORDS. We all know that words are powerful and we should choose them wisely, but what about those times when we don't? Did you know it takes at least 10 positive comments to make up for just 1 negative comment? Sadly, those negatives sometimes weigh heavy on our hearts way too long.

Today's RAK stems from a post I recently read from Emily Henderson. If you haven't had the chance to read her Valentine's post, then you must. It's so sweet! I'm going to snag her pictures since I haven't completed this RAK for myself just yet.

RAK challenge #21: Think of someone you may have hurt through words recently. Build them back up by giving them at least 10 positive words you'd use to describe them!

Emily's sweet husband used name tags to cover a card. Is this a great idea or what?! His intentions were that of encouragement, not making up for ugly words! I tweaked his brilliance to make it applicable to our RAK.

I'm planning on making a card like this for my kiddos. I want them to see the great "labels" they possess. Oh yeah, and there may be a few negative words I need to make up for too!

What about you, friend? Is there someone in your life who could use a few nice words?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How to use Pinterest to define your style

I sure do like 'Ben and the Pinterest Team.' Does anyone else feel special when Ben leaves you a message in your inbox?

I've noticed that Pinterest has become my go-to when I need to turn off my brain. It used to be TV, but now I'd much rather spend my time perusing pins. I even told my family I was ready to get rid of cable but they didn't share my enthusiasm!

It's obvious that Pinterest is handy for many reasons, but have you ever looked at it as a defining tool? If someone were to ask you to define your style, could you easily answer?

Here are a few pointers to give you a little insight.

  • First, start pinning without intention. I know, I have to organize your boards. That aside, allow yourself to pin anything that makes you think, "I really like that!
  • Next, find that trusty little 'Pins' button that drops down when you click on your name in the upper righthand corner of the page. This will take you to a page that shows all your pins.

  •  Now it's time to dissect. Scroll through your pictures and see if you can find common threads.

Possible questions to keep in mind may include: 

  • What colors draw me in? If you look close you'll probably notice 2 or 3 colors that run throughout.

  • Is there an accessory that your pins have in common? My pins typically have really great chandeliers/lighting, although the chandelier isn't typically what prompted me to pin it in the first place.

What are the patterns? Over and over again, I see symmetry in my pins and definitely tons of geometric patterns.

Another pattern throughout my pins are natural elements like wood, stone and plants:

So how do you apply this knowledge and define your style?
After you've studied your boards you should be feeling a little more secure in your tastes/preferences. Next time you're shopping, keep these elements in mind when making selections. You've paid close attention to your color choices so stay in that family when picking paint colors. If it's something you're naturally drawn to, then you're sure to love it on a wall. Repeat your patterns. I began to love my decor once I purchased geometric fabric and created our diamond wall!

Overall, surround yourself with what you love. Pin what you love, then bring it on home!

All images provided via my Pinterest boards. Start following along!

If you're interested in design services, on-line or in-home, please contact me. I'd love to work with you.