Friday, August 30, 2013

Rug for Sale

If you're in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and would like to be the new owner of this beautiful rug, give me a shout! My new entry is screaming for a round rug so this one needs to find a new it yours?

Let's get up close and personal...
The color variation in this shot is from the vacuum.'s clean!

Expect black and cream and perfect condition. Silky soft. Everyone that walked into our house seemed to be scared of stepping on it, so great efforts went into walking around it!

The details:
Roughly 5ft x 8ft (Specifically, 92.5 in. x 64.5 in.), Price: $275

Send me an email if you're ready to adopt my rug: Thanks!


  1. Don't need a rug, but have a wonderful weekend with your family! :)

  2. So pretty Dana! I'm sure you'll find a taker! Any Facebook yard sales down there? Ours has been very productive!
