Thursday, October 31, 2013

Random Act of Kindness #68

The kiddos and I saw this Halloween as a perfect opportunity to reach out to our neighbors in hopes of getting to know them since we're new to the area. We made several boxes of goodies and set off for our special deliveries yesterday evening. It was fun and I'd say we accomplished our goal!

We made sugar cookies for the parents and collected Halloween crafts, candies and glow sticks from Michael's goodie section for the kids. You certainly don't have to be an artist to make the tag that's attached...a few curvy lines and several dots later, you're set with a precious little ghost just waiting to deliver your message.

If you're swamped with last minute costume round ups today, file this idea away for next year. (That's what Pinterest is good for!) Or, adapt it, any day is good day to tell someone you appreciate them!

Okay, friends, go out and be kind!


  1. you are such an inspiration! great way to make new friends!

  2. Wish I were your neighbor for more reasons than your fun treat! :)

  3. That is such a nice idea Dana. I have to pin these cute treats for next year!!
