Thursday, December 15, 2011

Random Act of Kindness #15

It's Thursday friends, and you know what that means...RAK challenge!

RAK Challenge #15: Give someone a break!

Come on, sing it with me...Gimme a break, gimme a break...

This time of year can get so crazy! Take a minute to think of those around you who might need a little break. What does this look like, you ask?

Here are just a few suggestions.
*Offer to watch your friend's kids for a few hours so she can finish up some Christmas shopping.
*Let the anxious person in the parking lot actually take the space you were planning on parking in.
* Let a person jump in front of you in line at the grocery store.
*Smile at the Salvation Army Bell Ringer instead of feeling annoyed by the sound.
*Offer to read a few Christmas stories to your child's class so the teacher can finish up some grading.

I challenge you, friends, to take a second to think about the people in your life that you interact with on a daily basis. What can you do for them to make their day a little less stressful?

RAK challenges are so much here and here to find other ways you can spread some kindness!

Don't forget to leave a comment letting me know how you plan to give someone a break today. We can steal each other's ideas!


  1. Im going to do this next week with my friend she has 4 kids! im sure she needs a break :)

  2. Since you've inspired me since RAK #1, I've been slacking and actually only did one or two. :( Here's the plan, since my son is out of school now, we're going to do as many of the past challenges as we can next week, as a family...Thanks, sweet friend!
