Friday, November 23, 2012

Inexpensive Marble Alternatives

Happy Black Friday! If there's a single day that screams "Give me a deal!" it's definitely today. When I ran across these images and realized the deal to be had, I had to pass it on.  Give a quick look and tell me your first impression of what you see...

Really pretty, right? Any guess what material your seeing right before your eyes?...

Travertine Silver

Calacatta Marble

Bianca Luna

Plastic laminate over apple plywood with exposed edges.

Yep, you read that right...Laminate! I am so impressed with how pretty it looks. When I think laminate, I certainly don't think marble alternative, do you?

Wouldn't it be amazing to install countertops at a fraction of the cost and score something much more durable at the same time?

Laminate manufacturers stepped up their game and now offered several different edging options, just like granite and marble, bullnose, ogee and exposed. I'm a big fan of the exposed edge in the last image. So unique!

Last question, are you as surprised and impressed as I am? Now, for the even bigger question, would you be willing to install laminate in your own kitchen? I'm curious to know your thoughts?


  1. Looks very pretty, but I'm going to reserve judgement until I see it in person. :)

  2. i pinned this! looks like a great option, but definitely need to see in person, like pam said.

  3. I am redoing a kitchen in the next 2 years and would definitely consider formica.

  4. I wanted to at least consider that option but there is just something about the feel of it. I probably shouldn't care but I love the cold feel of a piece of stone or quartz. I'm in the middle of choosing the countertops right now and it's harder than I thought it would be for sure!(mostly due to actually having a budget of course;)

  5. I would not do laminate in my kitchen, but I did do it in my laundry room. It was so inexpensive, I may replace it with this. In just five years, the choices have exploded.
