Monday, November 26, 2012

Magnolia Christmas Decor

I hope everyone is recovering from their food comas and ready to face the week. I'm curious how many of you spent the last few days fast forwarding into December and already have your Christmas decorations up? I'm guilty to a degree. My house is decorated on the inside, but the Christmas tree hasn't been selected/purchased and the outside lights aren't up just yet.

This season I'm crushing on wreaths and garland made from this beauty...

Magnolia leaves! 

We have a Jewel Magnolia in our front flower bed and it's my favorite. The blooms are so fragrant and quite possibly one of the yummiest scents. The leaves are rich green and the underneath are velvety brown.

I spent the weekend searching high and low for an affordable version of this magnolia goodness. Sadly, I came up empty handed. When I turned my search to the web, I came up with several options but none were in my price range. Oh well, it gives me something to stalk in the after Christmas sales!

Here are some I'll keep my eye on...

Here's an interesting fact, most magnolia products are sold live. Depending where you place them (direct or indirect light), determines how the leaves dry and what color they'll be. Then, you get to enjoy them for years to come.

So pretty and a nice alternative to traditional wreaths and garland!


  1. magnolia leaves and flowers are just so pretty- nothing like them! they make great greenery for the holidays!

  2. That inspiration is making wish I had one ~ I thought for sure you were going to show us how to make a wreath...hint, hint! :)

  3. I love magnolia wreaths, and also garland. So pretty!
