Thursday, December 8, 2011

Random Act of Kindness #14

You're in for a treat today friends! Not just one RAK, but one for each day of the month. Last week, my son came home with a "Random Act of Christmas Kindness" (RACK) calendar that his class made. His teacher printed out a calendar and asked the class to brainstorm one kind thing they could do each day for the rest of the month.

RAK Challenge #14: Compliments of Mrs. H's 2nd grade class
December 1st: Tell your parents why they are important to you
2nd: Ask your parents what THEY want for Christmas
3rd: Give a compliment to someone
4th: Do something nice for one of your siblings
5th: Do your homework without being told
6th: Help put ornaments on your Christmas tree
7th: Help someone in need
8th: Clean up the dinner table
9th: Make a present for a teacher
10th: Spend a day with a special person
11th: Help your mom bake cookies
12th: Report bullying to a teacher
13th: Make a present for a family member
14th: Be  nice to your classmates
15th: Make a treat for your classmates
16th: Help your mom make dinner
17th: Respect adults
18th: Send a present to a person in need
19th: Help clean the house
20th: Send a card to Santa
21st: Write a letter to a neighbor
22nd: Thank a police officer
23rd: Make a card for the mailman
24th: Leave a treat for Santa and his reindeer
25th: Say "Merry Christmas" to everyone you see
26th: Thank a firefighter
27th: Donate old toys to a charity
28th: Make a "New Year's" card for someone
29th: Help your family take down the Christmas decorations
30th: Donate warm clothes to people in need
31st: Watch a "New Year's Eve" show with your family

Didn't they do a great job?! I love that their teacher is teaching them great character, in addition to academics. High five, Mrs. H!

So, I challenge you friends, pick a few or do them's never too late to start spreading kindness!

Are you new to RAK challenges? Look here and here so see what you've been missing.