Friday, February 15, 2013

If we build...

I shared with you on Tuesday that we're moving this summer and haven't decided whether to buy or build. {You can read the story here.} I've started a pinterest board to collect amazing ideas in case we decide on the latter. Want to follow along? Click here.

Let's take a peek at what's got me dreaming these days...
I'm all about bringing the outside in. I love the unexpected element displayed in this design. Who thinks to place mirrors in front of a window? I'm also a fan of how geometric this looks.

My kids are begging for a two-story house but I'm not so sure they've sold me on the idea. How about this as a compromise...split levels! The ceilings, the divider, the library...yep, pretty much a fan of everything in this picture.

I've filed this idea away in case we end up with small bedrooms. A picture turned table. Brilliant, right? This seems like a great idea for the kid's. It'd also be fun to make the 'picture part' a cork board or dry erase board instead.

Pretty much loving this towel ring from Urban Outfitters for a mere $14. I should really go ahead and order it now since it probably won't be around when we finally make up our minds. And, besides, it fits in with either decision, buying or building!

I ran across this tutorial for acrylic curtain rods and thought is was a great knock-off of those pricey ones. As I read her list of supplies, I figured this DIY was meant to be as soon as I learned her supplier was in DALLAS. That's one good thing about moving...Dallas definitely has better shopping.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Be kind and hug on those you love!


  1. Oooh, I hope you build! It will be fun to see what amazing elements you'd incorporate! I'm always blown away by the things you find that I've never seen, I have seen that bathroom - fabulous!

  2. That picture/table is so cool! Perfect for life here in NYC :-)
