Thursday, February 14, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness...Valentine's Edition

Happy Valentine's day, friends! I love this cheesy holiday. I know many dismiss this 'so-called holiday' and say it's a holiday created by Hallmark, but you know what?...I disagree! It's the perfect day to evaluate your relationships and express a little love.

I say, spread the love! The more the better in my opinion. It doesn't have to be mushy gushy, simply be kind today. Kindness = Love.

This picture has absolutely nothing to do with being kind, but I think it's beautiful and too good not to share on Valentine's day!

Back on topic...
Be kind by leaving a little note for someone special or a even a complete stranger. Get your origami on and impress others with your skillz. (John, that statement was just for you.)

Show your kindness by inviting someone to share a cup of coffee with you. Face to face time is so valuable. Nothing says I love you more than slowing down to listen to a friend.

Put a little sparkle into someone's day today. Your smile is enough to do the trick. Try smiling at everyone you see today. They'll think you're crazy but that's okay, I bet there's someone who needs that smile.

And, lastly friends, this Valentine is for you! It's mice to know you and I cherish the time you spend 'hanging out with me' here in blogland.


  1. Happy, happy day to one of the blogoshere's sweetest! It's no surprise that today would be your special day, lovely friend! ENJOY!

  2. In case that wasn't clear ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :)
