Thursday, November 17, 2011

Random Act of Kindness #11

Yea for Thursday! Today's a big day around here, Jennifer and I are hosting our decorating party tonight. There's so much to do to get ready for events like this! My daughter woke up and said,"I bet you're excited for tonight!" I had to stop a minute and learn a quick lesson from her. You see, my initial thought was about the millions of details I need to wrap up and to be honest, I'm feeling a little stressed. When I look at it through my daughter's eyes, it's such a great reminder that I need to be excited and not get bogged down. Yet, rather embrace the excitement that came along with the initial idea. Kid's have so much to teach us!

Moving on, today's RAK challenge involves this...


RAK Challenge: Pray for your children's "to be" spouses.

One day we're going to be adding a daughter-in-law and a son-in-law into our family, God willing. My husband and I have decided to start praying for these two wonderful beings now. I ask God for protection over them. I also pray for their parents' marriages. It's my hope that their parents' are modeling a healthy marriage and growing them in an environment that will one day lead into a healthy marriage with one of our own children.

Our kids are growing up with so many difficult decisions and temptations staring them right in the face. I ask God to guide the path of these little ones and to bless them with wisdom beyond their years when it comes to their decision-making.

Today's RAK will touch the lives of many...yours, your children, and people you haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet!

If you're new to my blog, there's lots to catch up on. You can start here and here. It's never too late to start spreading kindness!


  1. Dana,
    This is wonderful and we do this for our children occasionally. Hope your day is fabulous with not a lot of stress and a great time at the party!

  2. Another wonderful idea, I've never thought of!

    Relax, they'll have a great time and be blown away by all your awesome creativeness!

  3. I do this for my children and God has answered so generously for our daughter who will be married in the spring. Never thought to pray for the parents and their role in modeling a healthy relationship. Great idea!

  4. I need to read more about your decorating party - that sounds like FUN! Thanks again for stopping by today!

  5. Hope the party went well! RAK is so inspirational, have a great weekend!
