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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Around the House

Thought I'd pop in and share a few random bits and pieces going on around here. My bathroom lights finally arrived and kid's bathroom is really coming together...
The green is a little brighter in person and they're super fun. I'm still hammering out the details but I promise a full reveal when it's worthy.

I broke one of my big design rules and ordered this fabric on a complete whim because it was super cheap...
That rule? you ask. ALWAYS order a sample when viewing fabric online. Those lovely polka dots were NOT visible at all on my computer screen nor was there a description telling me of the lovely tone on tone polka dots. 

Reed wasn't pleased to learn my plans for this fabric included the bathroom he shares with Bryn. "Mom! No, no, no!" he protested. I tried to tell him the dots would "disappear" when it's hung but I'm not sure he was buying it. (Not sure I'm buying it either. shhh!)

Because I have a million and one, half started/half done projects going on, let's move on to the office...
Looks black, but it's not. Bought a sample, slapped it on the wall then lo and behold there was a blank canvas in the same room. Next thing I know, I have a large piece of art that doesn't fit in a single room in my house!
Hummm, what do I do with this now? Add it to the other stacks of displaced items that still haven't found a place since the move. Sounds like a plan.

I guess painting this did accomplish one thing, it gave me long enough to think about the color and realize it was all wrong for the office but would look great in Bryn's room! So, I'm currently trying to muster up the energy to paint Bryn's room along with 2 bathrooms. Fun times, my friends.


Cassie Bustamante said...

that light is awesome!!!!!! i love it! and i am all about breaking rules today. it's a good thing.

pam {simple details} said...

That little bathroom peek is looking crazy fun and a bit vintage, I love the green! If you can believe it, I was thinking of painting a living room wall black, but was scared and thought Hale Navy might be better, yikes it looks really black there! Can't wait to see what you do with it!

Lisa @ Shine Your Light said...

Hale navy is one of my faves. Such a great depth of color. And I LOOOOVE love the green light!!

Whitney @ Drab to Fab Design said...

You'll find a spot for that painting...it's so pretty!! And I love the lights too!! :)

A room with a view said...

The artwork shall turn out to be inspiration for the bedroom - it all works out in the end! Pretty lights, great color.

카지노사이트 said...

Olen todella iloinen voidessani vilkaista tätä verkkosivustoa, joka sisältää runsaasti hyödyllisiä tietoja, kiitos tällaisten tietojen tarjoamisesta.

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