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Friday, August 15, 2014

Reclaimed brick

It's been a fun week of on-site work at the restaurant. While we pester the city wait patiently for building permits, design choices are being finalized and ridiculously great purchases are being made...

Feast your eyes on this 150 y.o. firebrick. It's being delivered today. So excited. The color variation is stunning, from red to blue to yellow to white. These colors are more prominent when the bricks are placed lengthwise.

I stumbled upon these while searching for shiplap on Craigslist. I was chatting with the seller about his shiplap and he casually mentioned he had 'loads of firebrick' if I was interested. He knocks down old chimneys and claims the 'guts.' These bricks are a refractory ceramic material used to line fireplaces. I asked him to send me a picture and I was sold hook, line and sinker!

The plan is to use the brick on the back wall. By the way, for those of you who think the life of a designer is beautiful and glamourous, this picture is definitely a better representation of reality...dusty and dirty! (Love every minute of it. Wouldn't have it any other way.)


Cassie Bustamante said...

that is going to rock my world. yes, indeed.

Unknown said...

Oh my word! That brick is going to be incredible!

pam {simple details} said...

This is going to be SO good!!! I hope they know how lucky they are to have you!!

Lisa @ Shine Your Light said...

What an exciting project to work on and I can't wait to see the brick on the wall!

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