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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Transparent Tuesday

Today's transparency topic invites you to be still and listen. Have you ever thought about how often you "listen" to God? I know my prayers are often full of "Thank you, God" and "Please be with" or "Please help me." I sure do talk to God a lot but the listening part is a bit different.

Following my dad's brain injury my mom was visiting with a grief counselor who asked her how often she stops to listen to God? My mom's answer was that she "prays all the time." The counselor told her next time she's praying to simply stop and listen.

 So, today, I challenge you to be quiet during your prayer time and allow God to talk to you.

I listen best to God when I'm running. I used to wear headphones but they broke and I was forced to run without. I quickly realized that the steady crunching sound underfoot provided a nice, peaceful background for me to steady my mind and listen. Boy, God sure does have a lot to say when I finally shut up!

There's a lot of noise going on right now...friends losing parents, friends going through divorces, issues with kids. Instead of asking God to makes sense of it all, I'm going to spend the day listening to God tell me how I can serve these friends and spread His love.

Will you join me today? Be still and listen.


A room with a view said...

This has come at the right time for me. Thank you, Dana :)

pam {simple details} said...

I love the quiet time when I'm running or walking as well. I need to make a concentrated effort to focus on keeping my brain quiet ~ thanks for the reminder.

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