Moving on...
Last week I showed you a similar project and this week I've adapted it to be a display case.

Like those mitered edges and the swirly paint job? Makes the perfect shelf for whatever your heart's desire, if I do say so myself.
An overview shot to help you appreciate the openness of the case.
Miniature jars made the perfect "knick knack" for this display. Just grabbed a few sprigs from the bushes and wolla, it's done.
Easy paint effect...make straight lines of each paint color then make circles with your brush to blend them all together. I even painted the screws. The gold ones were expensive so why not spruce up my cheap silver ones with a little glam? Same look, less dinero.
I like the 'glass' on glass look here.
Another fun way to use this display: cookies, kids and frogs (something we have a plethora of around here).
Ready for the "How To"?
It's super simple. Here's what you'll need...
One of these will do the trick. Decide how long you'd like your shelf and cut to size. We mitered the ends then glued two pieces together for added dimension and thickness.
Two sheets. You can purchase many different sizes or even have the handy dandy men at Home Depot cut them to size for you. The previous post used 8x10 sheets and this one used 5x7. The thicker the sheet, the better the end result.
Only tip here is to make sure your screws are long enough to provide the needed space for the wood pieces 'floating' inside the two pieces of plexiglass.
Other supplies: paint, saw, drill, wood glue.
Helpful hint: Plexiglass can be tricky to drill holes in without splitting the plastic so take your time and use a sharp drill bit. We watched several instructional YouTube videos on the process before tackling our own project.
The basics: Drill holes, the size of the screws, in each corner of the plexiglass. Push screws through each hole and lay flat. Arrange wood pieces on one piece of plexiglass then slide the second piece of plexiglass down over the screws bringing it down to lay on top of the wood. Use bolts to tighten. Make sure to tighten bolts strong so your wood pieces don't slip out when brought to upright position.
Obvious steps I left out: Paint your wood pieces desired colors and let dry prior to 'squeezing' between the sheets of plexiglass. Paint the screws and let dry before adding bolts. Wouldn't want to strip off your paint by bolting too soon!
I love this!! It's so clean and simple, and that's what makes it awesome!
I am blown away by your creativity! I'd love a big over-sized piece for artwork.
Love it Dana! What a perfect spot to display the tiny treasures that come home!
This is very creative and so versatile in terms of its use. I love the jars, Dana! By the way, love the floating art in previous post..quite stunning and effective with the different colors - great idea!
these are just so cool! i love the vases in there!
How cool! Yet another creative idea from you Dana - I love how your mind works! The gold screws were such a beautiful touch - so smart to paint silver ones. I'm going to be working on my 14 year old's room soon….this display case would be really cool for some sports items. Thanks for sharing!
you can use these beautiful acrylic display boxes to display your product more attractively and make them more interactive for customer so that they interact with your product in a more better way
Oh my god! Why didn't I read this earlier? I'm definitely gonna make this. Please post more of such DIY art projects.
Thank you for sharing this.
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Acrylic display case
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Great content and information. Thanks for sharing and Keep posting. Texas Store Fixtures
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