First up, our Diamond wall. We've enjoyed this feature for a solid year now. We completed it this exact time last year! I still love it. That says a lot since I tire of things really quickly.

Then, I got roped into replicating my friend, Pam's, nailhead ceiling for a friend/client. This project had my neck and thumbs hurting/numb for way too long afterwards! It's super cool looking though, if I do say so myself.
Can't forget my friend, Katie's, golf nursery and her over the top Golf themed baby shower.
Tons of great Random Acts of Kindness were completed throughout the year. Jenn, from The Former Miss, was kind enough to create these awesome RAK cards that are now available as a free printable.

John showed off his crazy skills as he constructed the wall of shelves in our guest bedroom, complete with black paneled ceiling (not pictured).